Positioned to Achieve | Resetting and Hitting Giving Goals in These Unusual Times


Guest Article by Zach Clark

How do you know that you are putting yourselves in a position to achieve giving goals in these remarkable times?

No one can see the future, but we can lean on God’s promises and steward well what we’ve been given to predict our financial future.

Today I want to look at two areas to place effort to reap maximum rewards as you press the reset button on this year’s priorities.

Giving is always a trailing indicator of what is happening in your organization. It doesn’t tell you how you’re doing right now. It tells you how you’ve done in the past.

Keeping Score

Our team believes strongly in the power of the Weekly Scorecard.

Instead of focusing on all of the things that you have to get done – the disciplines, checklists, etc. – focus on the leading indicators that impact giving. Now is the perfect time to take a step back and lay some groundwork.

Ongoing monitoring of three key factors will help you manage your present and maximize your future even when the future is uncertain.

Committed time. Time may be the only impactful thing you can really budget and manage.

I would have holds on my calendar for meetings to fill with people. For the next six weeks I would have ten meetings held. This is what setting a priority on my committed time looks like.

Even when meetings look a bit different, you can still meet with people using tools like Zoom.us.

Weekly pace.   If I have ten meetings held in my calendar and schedule five of the slots, my next step is to look at how many of the five meetings have taken place. This number is my weekly pace figure.

Follow up list.   Last, but definitely not least, you want to know your influence number. How many people have you met with up to this point? How many people are you guiding in order to lead to giving?

We cannot control what people give. This may be more true now more than ever. And certainly, no one can tell you with accuracy what another will give. All we can control is how we are using our time.

If you have a goal to see a million dollars given, or half of a million dollars given this year, at some point the follow-up list has to show that number is emerging. You must see the possibility.

For example, if you are looking to see a goal of half a million and yet don’t know if you’re going to hit it, or whether you are on track, look to your follow-up list. How many people are on it? If you have two people, and these two persons are not going to give you half a million dollars, you’re not placing yourself in position.

It’s also so important to note that follow up during this unusual time we find ourselves in right now should look a lot more like asking people how they are doing in this time, how you can help, and showing them you care. Listen and show empathy. If you already have been building a relationship with your donors, this isn’t going to be difficult because the fact is that you genuinely do care!

Consistency IS Discipline

I am often asked how to be consistent, more disciplined and motivated.

I am not a unique specimen who has unlocked a great secret. I am a humble servant who applies grace to my goals in all areas of life.

The key is discovering that consistency is discipline in action.

We will all get off track, veering away from our habits and routines. We live in a fallen world where none of us are perfect. It’s to be expected. Getting back on track – and doing so with haste – is what separates the disciplined from the rest.

Consider your workout habits. Missing one scheduled class or afternoon at the gym has the potential to start a domino effect. The cause may very well be legitimate; work or family may trump your scheduled lift day or cardio exercises. Regardless, your schedule – your plan – is thrown off track.

“I missed Monday and Wednesday … I am not consistent. I am not disciplined. I failed.” 

It’s easy to start beating yourself up, to let negative thoughts take hold.

All you have to do in these moments is to make a move. Missed the gym this morning? Go after work. You walk in – you win. Didn’t hit your weekly meeting goal? Schedule an extra one for the following week. 

The key is to initiate the forward momentum.

And the incredible thing about TODAY is that you, like many of us, have been given the gift of time. Time to restart some of those disciplines and routines that have gotten pushed to the back burner because of the busyness of life.

You may need to make up a meeting or two next week, but you’ll be moving once more. Your follow-up, your influence, and your relationships will grow. You’re able to start guiding people to give and take action.

There may be a whole lot you can’t do in this season, but I promise you there’s so much you CAN do. Get moving! Get guiding! Grow giving!

I look forward to hearing how you put these suggestions to work for you and your ministries!

Do you need to get back on track to hit some giving goals quickly? You may want to check out our Rapid Success Projects tool.