You Have to Watch Out for the Pork on Thursdays!

By Mark Kennedy, ACSI Canada

Head_in_Sand_Denial_IgnoreMy childhood friend Bill grew up to be a respected and successful bank executive- a man who occasionally helps financial institutions beyond our borders. A few years ago while consulting for a bank in Dublin he made his temporary GHQ in a small hotel that boasted a dining room for its guests. On a Thursday evening he ambled down to this quaint eatery for a taste of Celtic cuisine not suspecting the violent conflict that would arise later in his stomach.

“I was sick all last night after eating in your restaurant!” He told the manager the next morning.

“Well what did you have for dinner?”

“Roast pork!” said Bill.

“Ah yes,” replied the manager philosophically in a lilting Irish brogue, “You have to watch out for the pork on Thursdays.”

You can imagine the questions in my friend’s mind when his initial shock wore off. Maybe foremost was

“Why didn’t someone tell me?!?”

Sheltering someone from reality can be dangerous. And sometimes the consequences can be much more serious than a minor case of food poisoning.

Consider the effects of an education that intentionally shelters students from the most important realities about life and living- a secular education where the daily presence of the living God is ignored and the authority and guidance of scripture is dismissed- an education that edits out the creator and sustainer of the real world.

Paul warns about a day when:

Men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn away from truth and turn aside to myths.” 2 Tim 4: 3 & 4. That time sounds uncomfortably familiar.

It’s not that a secular education necessarily speaks out against the God of the Bible or openly denies the authority of the scriptures. It simply remains silent about them. And that’s the problem. If a student from a Christian family receives a consistently secular education how surprising can it be if he comes to think that God can’t be very important? ‘After all they never talk about Him at school’ he might reasonably say to himself- and his logic would be pretty hard to refute. He got the silent message.

Robert Louis Stephenson expressed it plainly,

“The cruelest lies are often told in silence.”

So when important, even vital truths are kept from people who desperately need to hear them, Stephenson says it is a cruel deception.

The silence in secular education has implications for the way children learn, believe, think and face life’s challenges. When students are sheltered from God’s reality they are prime candidates to be “taken captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” 2Col 2:8. Philosophies produce actions, and actions produce consequences. So it should be no surprise that sex education that ignores biblical standards produces ever growing rates of sexually transmitted diseases, abortions and accompanying psychological problems; that a purely mechanistic and evolutionary view of humanity convinces some students they are worthless genetic accidents so that suicide becomes a reasonable option; and that when personal troubles for which secular minds have no real answers overwhelm students they turn to illicit drugs in an attempt to escape. The world of drug and alcohol abuse and promiscuous or perverse sexuality is so often a false refuge for people who have not been equipped to deal with the real world.

In Christian schooling we don’t shelter students from reality. We prepare students by telling them the whole truth about the real world and by honoring the presence of the source of all truth and by teaching future generations about his standards for living. As the Psalmist says,

We will not hide them from their children; We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:4

In the early 1990s after Russian Communism collapsed I found myself on a team of North Americans instructing hundreds of Russian educators about how to teach the Bible to Russian public school students. Evgenity Kurkin of the Russian Ministry of Education explained why we had been invited to do that,

Seventy years ago we closed Him (God) out of our country and it has caused so many problems in our society we cannot count them…..We must put God back into our country and we must begin with our children.

One evening as I walked with some of our Russian hosts down a snowy street in St. Petersburg, a translator told me about his life in Chernobyl after the nuclear accident – the one that killed and crippled thousands.

“For three years after the accident nobody told us what had happened, all we knew was that our children were getting sick. We finally learned about it through BBC radio.” Those people in Chernobyl knew the cost of being sheltered from reality – and it was far too high.

And what about the future cost for students who have been sheltered from the realities that matter most for living now and for the life yet to come?

We shy away from sounding a warning to families in our churches. “Try to focus on the positive aspects of Christian schooling and don’t offend anyone” we tell ourselves. But maybe the time has come to tell the whole story to Christian families for the sake of their children and the future of the church in North America.

Is Perception Reality?

By Mark Kennedy, (ACSI Canada)

Every now and then I hear it, even in Christian school circles. “Perception is reality”, they say with a kind of unquestioning conviction that suggests the discovery of a new immutable truth.

This, along with other snippets of pop business philosophy, have steadily made inroads into the board rooms of churches and Christian schools. Some are quite useful. It is not that we can’t gain insights and understanding from effective business principles and practices. The fact is that all truth, even in the area of business, is God’s truth. The problem comes when we accept any philosophical assertion without testing it against the teaching of scripture.

And that is my concern about the “Perception is reality” concept. In keeping with post modern thinking it implies that people can have their own private self-created realities –their own personal truths.

Some people reason that if only they could manipulate those perceptions effectively they would be able to get what they want –in our schools that could mean creating new pro Christian school “realities” in people’s minds.

It seems to me that the whole idea is false. We can’t have our own private versions of reality anymore than we can have our own personal definitions of truth. And Christians more than anyone should realize that truth (which is the only genuine reality) exists despite our perceptions. William Blake puts it well in his poem, The Eternal Gospel.

“Thus Life’s five windows of the soul
Distort the heavens from pole to pole,
And lead you to believe a lie
When you see with, not through the eye.”

To my thinking the final word on the subject comes from Isaiah. In chapter 11 verses 3 and 4 he contrasts the undependable nature of personal perceptions and with God’s truth.

“He will not judge by what he sees with his eye,
Or decide by what he years with his ears
But with righteousness he will judge the needy
With justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.”

Nuff said.

Jesus, Save Us From Your Followers


By Jay Matthews

Just had the privilege to view the documentary in selected theaters, "Jesus Save Us From Your Followers." I had an inside source allow me to see a DVD of it and have had some time to view it in sections.

Very clever movie and very impressive in terms of the visual presentation and trendy graphics.

The documentary explores the polarization of American culture over issues of faith and asks a great question: What is wrong? Why is there so much venom over such a beautiful message- the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Dan Merchant presents an excellent exploration of this caustic culture in these important areas.

I found the movie helpful in some points, but too silent on two large aspects of this issue.

First: We have lost civil dialogue in this culture. Disagreement usually means 'war'. Instead of honest debate- we hurl sound bites over the internet or through talking heads. I agree that we have lost humility and love in the message. The section of the movie (inspired by Blue Like Jazz) of Christian confession was very powerful.

Second: We are ignorant of opposing worldviews and uneducated in the trends of mainstream culture. The culture war mantra has made these issue oriented debates instead of human relationships.

I agree with these premises and, sadly, am guilty as charged.

But there are two other major problems in our presentation of the gospel.

1) We need to be more tender to the 'world' - but we have lost accountability inside the church. There is no discernible difference inside the American church and outside the American church today. We are guilty of loving the world. We have the same consumerist tendencies- we have the same divorce rate- we have the same pattern of addiction and cynicism. Our lips love Jesus, but our hearts love the world.

This problem stems from a lack of seeing sin as serious. We have preached the watered down gospel. To quote Niebur,

A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.

The bad news is not bad... so the good news is not good.

2) We also stand as the most biblically illiterate generation in America. Our reading comprehension slowly dwindles and the light of the Word is dimming. I recently read a handout from C.S. Lewis to my freshman Bible class- when I finished a student said, "I didn't understand a word he said."

The purity of the church is diminishing because God's word is being eclipsed in our midst.

We should be tender to others and tough on ourselves. We need God's Spirit to convict us of sin. We need to stop posing and come clean in our sin- but we also need to move toward repentance and holiness.

One final comment- the Gospel of Christ will be offensive. Granted, it should be the only offensive part of our life as we seek to love, serve, in humility live above reproach. But if we ever think that we will live in harmony with the world.... don't be gullible.

So I come away from the movie conflicted... I want to stand for righteousness and preach forgiveness. That means drawing hard lines which will make me appear intolerant and offensive. I need to love sinners, but I cannot ignore sin.

Sin destroys.. the gospel heals. Help me Lord find the balance- help me walk in the truth. Anyone else seen this documentary? Comments? I won't be offended if you disagree!

Is Perception Reality?

By Mark Kennedy (ACSI Canada)

Every now and then I hear it, even in Christian school circles. “Perception is reality”, they say with a kind of unquestioning conviction that suggests the discovery of a new immutable truth. 

This, along with other snippets of pop business philosophy, have steadily made inroads into the board rooms of churches and Christian schools. Some are quite useful. It is not that we can’t gain insights and understanding from effective business principles and practices. The fact is that all truth, even in the area of business, is God’s truth. The problem comes when we accept any philosophical assertion without testing it against the teaching of scripture.

And that is my concern about the “Perception is reality” concept. In keeping with post modern thinking it implies that people can have their own private self-created realities –their own personal truths.

Some people reason that if only they could manipulate those perceptions effectively they would be able to get what they want –in our schools that could mean creating new pro Christian school “realities” in people’s minds.
It seems to me that the whole idea is false. We can’t have our own private versions of reality anymore than we can have our own personal definitions of truth. And Christians more than anyone should realize that truth (which is the only genuine reality) exists despite our perceptions. William Blake puts it well in his poem, The Eternal Gospel.

“Thus Life’s five windows of the soul
Distort the heavens from pole to pole,
And lead you to believe a lie
When you see with, not through the eye.”

To my thinking the final word on the subject comes from Isaiah. In chapter 11 verses 3 and 4 he contrasts the undependable nature of personal perceptions and with God’s truth.

“He will not judge by what he sees with his eye,
Or decide by what he years with his ears
But with righteousness he will judge the needy
With justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.”

Nuff said.