Are You Your Own Worst Enemy? When Policy Masquerades as Principle

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy? When Policy Masquerades as Principle

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. We create battles we don’t need to fight.

I avoided an unnecessary skirmish recently after receiving a call from one of our elementary principals. She called about a clear violation of our dress code policy.

The problem had to do with the language of the policy prohibiting non-school pictures or logos on clothing except for small monograms. This created a problem for parents who wished to purchase, or who had already purchased, tops for younger children with flowers, animals or similar imprints. Several parents were complaining about the policy. The principal believed we should enforce the “letter of the law” because it was clearly written and to “protect” the school’s culture.

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Should Teachers Text, Facebook, or Twitter Students?

Texting_Ariana_Cell_Phone_textDo you think electronic communication between teachers and students should be forbidden or restricted? What are the benefits and risks of texting with students? How have you used texting and/or social networking as an educational tool.

What about Facebook?  Twitter?

Share your thoughts with the hundreds of educators who read this blog.